Travel Changes Your Life

Back where it began.

So last week I landed back in Singapore for the first time since I was here last year. This was the starting point of almost 6 months of travel. It was the first airport I landed in, and so coming back felt a bit weird. 🤒

I’m here for work this time, although I got a couple days of holiday before work started.

The reason it felt so weird is because I had no idea of the journey I was about to undergo when I landed here in May 2022.

I had no idea of the people I would meet, experiences I would have, friends and memories I would make. 🗺️

Travel changes your fucking life.

I guess that’s what I want to say. Travel truly does change you, in ways you can never expect or explain.

And everyone that’s done it, has agreed with me on that. 🤝

I can honestly say that I am not the same person who landed here last year, although hilariously I had the same hoodie and backpack on (shoutout to Boohoo & WANDRD lol).

I’ve grown and matured emotionally, physically, spiritually and in every other ‘ally’ vertical. I’ve gone through a lot, and come out swinging and smiling the other side.

I’ve got a new gratitude for life that can only come from certain experiences.

I’ve also been reintroduced to hobbies I used to love, creative outlets I forgot and mindsets I’d pushed aside.

Travel changes you. And you are your life.

Travel changes your fucking life.

If there’s one piece of advice I could take from it all, it would be to pay attention to the little moments between; that’s the good stuff.

So yeah, being back in Singapore felt really weird at first. And it actually threw me for a spin for the first few days. I was struggling with it a bit, without realising it at first.

It brought up all sorts of emotions. Part of me felt nostalgic, partly excited, partly sad that I wasn’t still on the road full time, and partly grateful that I was able to be back. They’re the ones I can put into words. 🗣️

Anyway, thats enough from me. Peace to you all, I love you all for supporting my journey.

If you made it to the end of this, you’re dope as fuck. Next time you see a post of mine drop a 💯 emoji and I’ll know you read it.

peace ✌️


i fucked up


The Internet Hates Me For This