The Power Of Blessing Others

This weekend I’ve been reminded of the power blessing others has to make you feel unbelievably good.

I think we’re wired to give, to help, to cast a light on other people in the unique ways that we’re individually able to.

This weekend I was able to through my job.

I was able to get my parents behind the scenes for the day at the Zandvoort F1 GP and it was honestly magical.

Seeing their reactions, how happy and excited they were about it all. Seeing their eyes sparkle was one of the best experiences of my life. Blessing them with a once-in-a-lifetime experience filled me with so much purpose and pleasure, feelings that were a byproduct of the situation - not something I was expecting or hoping for.

You see it reminded me of the power of blessing others. We feel good when we bless. When we help. Guide. Give. Love and just act in any selfless way.

Writing this just reminded me of a clip, of Mike Majlak on an episode of Impaulsive and he says something along the lines of ‘I don’t care if you’re doing good to just post it online for clout, at least you’re doing good’ (not a direct quote but along those lines).

I love this quote because he's right, who gives a fuck about your motivations behind doing something good, just do good. Bless people. Give that homeless guy your spare change, help the older lady cross the road, or find the ways you can bless others.

One of my favourite things to do is bless people with my photography. I don’t do it often but sometimes I’ll spot a moment so pure or amazing and capture it for someone. An example of this was in Bali last year. I was doing self-portraits on a beach when I spotted an awesome frame with a couple in. I quickly snapped the shot and later on grabbed their Instagrams so I could share it with them later on.

Bless others, it’ll make you feel amazing.

Peace ✌️


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