Stop Letting People Drain You

I’ve realised recently that you need to surround yourself with the right people.

It's something I have been actively trying to do more of myself.

Surround yourself with people who understand your goals, motivations, and way of seeing the world. People that challenge you for the better instead of challenging you because they want to bring you down to their level.

The sad truth is a lot of people don’t want to see you succeed because it reminds them that they aren’t. Get rid of these people.

I’m currently reading the book ‘Show Your Work’ by Austin Kleon. It's the second in the Steal Like An Artist series and in this book, it talks about a concept called ‘The Vampire Test’. This is a concept I have been obsessing over for the past few days because I could immediately relate it to some people I’ve been in contact with.

The concept is simple, after spending time with someone, doing something, in a location, etc - do you feel physically drained? Not just tired, drained. I get physically tired after mountain biking but feel physically drained after a day spent with the wrong people. You can tell the difference.

Ponder on that for a second. Is there anything or anyone in your life that makes you feel this way? If so, they’re a vampire. Your next step is up to you. Either stop allowing that vampire to drain you, either by not spending time around it or finding a way to stop it draining you or you continue to let it drain you.

Spoiler - the second option shouldn’t be the one you pick. Stop letting vampires drain you.

I’m building upon this with my own concept. The Phoenix Test. In mythology (and Harry Potter) a Phoenix has healing abilities. Surround yourself with people that heal you, energise you, and bring out the best in you.

Surround yourself with Phoenixes, not Vampires.

I’ve typed the word Phoenix so many times now it's stopped looking like a real word and it's throwing me off lol.

That’s all from me this week, PEACE ✌️


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